Frequently Asked Questions

What are the rates for the services?

The rates vary project to project as the scale of the project also varies.

What are the languages in which you can offer these services?

We can offer these services in all oriental, Indian, African and European languages.

What is the accuracy of translation, transcription and interpretation?

The accuracy of these services is 100%.

Is this a consultancy company?

No it is not a consultancy company.

Do you provide Human translation or Machine translation?

We provide only human translation.

Do you provide on-site and off-site interpretation?

Yes we provide both on-site and off-site interpretation.

For content writing how do you operate?

We just don’t directly translate but we localize the content according to the language.

How do I register as a vendor?

You need to fill up the form on our site or you can directly contact us for the form via email or phone.

Do you have in house language experts or you outsource them?

We do have in house experts but we do outsource some resources on demand.

Do you have a studio setup?

Yes we do have a studio setup.

    1 / 10

    What script is used to write European language?

    2 / 10

    How many scripts are there in the Japanese Language?

    3 / 10

    How many countries speak Spanish?

    4 / 10

    Which country does not speak French?

    5 / 10

    How is Traditional Japanese language written?

    6 / 10

    Which is the world’s most spoken Auxiliary Language?

    7 / 10

    Around how many languages are spoken in the world today ?

    8 / 10

    More than half of the world’s languages have no written form.

    9 / 10

    How many indigenous languages are there estimated to be in Europe?

    10 / 10

    Around how many people worldwide speak English as a first language?

    Your score is

    The average score is 23%
