About Us

What does "Ewan" mean?

The word “Ewan” is the amalgamation of the Japanese letter “E” meaning good and the Traditional Chinese word “WAN” meaning bridge connecting two good things. 

About Ewan

Ewan Business Solutions is a team of language professionals and enthusiasts who are passionate about their language and want to use their language proficiency as a prominent tool to overcome the language and cultural barrier while doing business with the Oriental countries. Our team of in-house language experts are involved in every step of the solution and guarantees hassle-free business operation.

Our expertise

We call ourselves your bridge to South Asian Markets because we not only acquire clarity and expertise in Oriental Languages, but also an in – depth knowledge in the culture, audience behavior, market and business practices. This has proven to be a boon for the clients we have collaborated with and ensures a positive outcome for the ones who are willing to join hands with us.


Number speaks

We call ourselves your bridge to South Asian Markets because we not only acquire clarity and expertise in Oriental Languages, but also an in – depth knowledge in the culture, audience behavior, market and business practices. This has proven to be a boon for the clients we have collaborated with and ensures a positive outcome for the ones who are willing to join hands with us.
Words translated so far over 75,000 files
+ 0
Hours of Interpretation
Hours of Primary Market Research
+ 0
Hours of Transcription
+ 0

Why Orient ?

We call ourselves your bridge to South Asian Markets because we not only acquire clarity and expertise in Chinese, Japanese, & Taiwanese Languages, but also an in – depth knowledge in their culture, audience behavior, market and business practices. This has proved a boon for the clients we have collaborated with and ensures a positive outcome for the ones who are willing to join hands with us.

About Mr. Soham Kakade

- Director, Ewan Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd

Mr. Soham Kakade is a professional with a strong command of Chinese and Japanese languages. He successfully completed graduation in the Chinese and Japanese languages at the Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China, in 2015 and 2017 with a fully paid scholarship from the Chinese government. He also worked as a translator in Chinese businesses, where he gained useful professional experience.

Upon his return to India, he began working for more than 50 enterprises, as language expert for businesses from China, India, the United States, and a few European nations. Furthermore, he has worked as an interpreter for the Chinese Consulate in India as well as the Indian Central Government and Maharashtra Government. Considering his wide experience in practically all domains, it wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that the sky truly is the limit for him.

Simplifying localization for you

    1 / 10

    What script is used to write European language?

    2 / 10

    How many scripts are there in the Japanese Language?

    3 / 10

    How many countries speak Spanish?

    4 / 10

    Which country does not speak French?

    5 / 10

    How is Traditional Japanese language written?

    6 / 10

    Which is the world’s most spoken Auxiliary Language?

    7 / 10

    Around how many languages are spoken in the world today ?

    8 / 10

    More than half of the world’s languages have no written form.

    9 / 10

    How many indigenous languages are there estimated to be in Europe?

    10 / 10

    Around how many people worldwide speak English as a first language?

    Your score is

    The average score is 23%
